Behandlung technischer Oberflächen von Eingabesystemen

Plasma treatment of technical surfaces

of flat input systems / keyboards

The working group Fachgemeinschaft Tastaturen promotes cooperation between member firms as a union major manufacturer of flat key input systems. Very important aspects are the cross- transfer of knowledge to all sectors of production and quality assurance.

At the general meeting of the Fachgemeinschaft Tastaturen on 22. Juni 2015 in Buchen Dr. Stefan Nettesheim and Mr. Löhner  (DICO Electronic) are speaking about new aspects of surface treatment of technical surfaces with atmospheric plasma.

Especially for:

  • film lamination
  • adhesive bond
  • new material combinations
  • connection technology
  • potting of resin

the newest technologies are presented.

Hoffman & Krippner, guided tour of the production

Hoffmann & Krippner guides through the highly flexible production. From a simple keypad to complex special developments with resistive or capacitive touch input, including full surface bonding of displays or optical bonding – everything is build at one place.

The visitors joined interesting discussions, providing new solutions for improved product quality.

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