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Cold plasma in disinfection technology

We are very happy that Dr. Stefan Nettesheim from relyon plasma will give a presentation on the subject of cold plasma in disinfection technology at VDI.TECHNIK.TALK.ONLINE.

“Cold Plasma in Disinfection Technology –
Effect mechanisms and outlook”.
Date10.12. 2020, 17:30 – 19:00 o’clock
Dr. Stefan Nettesheim, Managing Director,
relyon plasma GmbH in Regensburg

Plasmas and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the plasma reduce the concentration of pathogens on contact with contaminated surfaces. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and prions as well as toxins and other organic contaminants can be rapidly degraded. Even complete sterilization is possible with intensive exposure. Moisture and the interaction with the biological interface play a major role. Plasma disinfection does not require expensive vacuum systems or toxic chemicals, which makes the process cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

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About the speaker

Stefan Nettesheim studied physics at the University of Konstanz and the TU Berlin and received his doctorate in the group of Prof. Gerhard Ertl (Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2007) at the Fritz Haber Institute of the MPG in Berlin. After postdoctoral positions at the Faculty of Chemistry in San Sebastian in Spain and the ETH Zurich, he moved to industry, to the Packaging Technology Division (SIG) in Switzerland.

Dr. Stefan Nettesheim - cold plasma in disinfection technology

At Sachsenring AG in Zwickau and Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik he was involved in fuel cell development and has been managing director at relyon plasma GmbH in Regensburg since 2011.

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