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Coating of glass beads

A few days ago our colleagues Corinna Little and Andrea Werkmann have been at a customer visit at Technologie Anwender Zentrum Spiegelau, a branch office of Deggendorf University.

Prof. Raimund Förg, Scientific Director of the TAZ Spiegelau and the student Isabell Herer gave deep insights into the various research projects that are currently running with the plasma technology of relyon plasma at the TAZ.

Logo Technologie Anwender Zentrum Spiegelau

As a technology user center we are pleased to use the technologies of relyon plasma. In addition to the plasmabrush system, we also use the piezobrush PZ2 in our laboratory. This handy cold plasma generator is used in our projects as well as for basic tasks like activation before bonding.Prof. Raimund Förg, Wissenschaftliche Leitung TAZ Spiegelau
On-site-visit at TAZ Spiegelau. In the background you can see the plasmabrush PB3 for the coating of glass beads.
On-site visit at TAZ Spiegelau

The picture shows the experimental setup of Isabell Herer, who is currently researching the topic of coating glass beads with plasmabrush® PB3.

We at TAZ Spiegelau are currently using the plasmabrush PB3 system from relyon plasma to coat glass beads with photocatalytic titanium dioxide layers. These glass beads will be used in novel filter systems to reduce both particles and microorganisms. The coating process in the plasmabrush PB3 system takes place under atmospheric conditions and is based on feeding a precursor into the plasma flame. This reactive mixture is brought into contact with the glass beads to produce a coating that is as homogeneous as possible. By simply adjusting the power and frequency of the high voltage source on the laboratory computer using the USB communication package, process parameters can be optimized and voltage, current and power monitored.Prof. Raimund Förg, Wissenschaftliche Leitung TAZ Spiegelau

Besides the current projects, Prof. Förg already has many new ideas which he would like to realise with the plasma technology of relyon plasma.

Do you also have an exciting idea that you would like to realize with us? Get in touch with us!

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